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Neurolink at Tree of Life Healing Center, LLC

Neurolink (NIS) is a neurological integration system based on neuroscience principles. The brain is the most knowledgeable about your body. NIS gives Dr. Cari access to information to determine real causes and not just symptoms. With NIS, the brain makes the corrections needed by the body as it evaluates all aspects of body function and their interdependencies.

Think of a light switch in your bedroom. When you flip the switch, the light should come on automatically, right? When it doesn't, you check the bulb or the fusebox. You don't think of all the wiring inside of the walls that make that happen. The brain should work the same way, lights or brain signaling should be automatic, like flipping a switch. When that doesn't happen correctly, you can have all sorts of symptoms. Different types of stressors can cause brain signaling to be disrupted: physical, emotional, chemical, environmental, nutritional, and pathological to name a few.

Did you know that your brain controls 85% of your nervous system, while the spine controls the other 15%? When something falls out of the brain's ability to keep it under control, it blows a fuse.  Why? Because, it has to keep the rest of the lights of your house on! It's a protective mechanism. If the brain doesn't know there is a problem, it may not know how to correct it or get it back under its control.

During Neurolink, Cari acts as your electrician and runs a series of signal checks to see if the brain and body are communicating. If they aren't, there are specific ways to flip the switch back on. This enables the symptoms or issues to go back under the brain's control, so the body can return to normal function. NIS is a unique, hands-on technique that you truly have to experience to see what it can do for you! Call Tree of Life Healing Center, LLC in Smyrna, GA today to learn about our acupuncture and other services.